BC Gravel on June 8, 2019
Singletrack Segment
From W Lakeside Dr, Littleton to Monarch Blvd, Lone Tree, Douglas County, Colorado
Smooth wide rolling 'singletrack', non-technical, great quality riding. Uploaded in two portions as there is a closure and diversion due to raptor nesting in the middle.
11.89 miles
5,676 ft minimum
6,411 ft maximum
1,319 ft gain
892 ft loss

100% singletrack

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2 votes

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 Luke Durkin
on May 5, 2023
I did the Red-Tail Park to Monarch Blvd section and it was just so disappointing. The trail is mostly dirt, not crushed gravel. What is crushed gravel/stone is a little deep. But mainly the trail is just constant S-turns. They intentionally built it that way rather than building a straight trail. It's not just the few obvious segments you can see on the sat view map, it's nearly the entire thing. It's also very hilly and as such, gets rutted out with the drainage snaking along the S-turns. It looks like it might be better to the west. I might give it another shot at somepoint.